Cooperation for the benefit of all customers

Meeting of PRO Europe member companies at Der Grüne Punkt in Cologne: What does the PPWR mean in practice and how can members work together to offer their customers added value?

News Bild [Translate to English:] Treffen der PRO-Europe-Mitgliedsunternehmen beim Grünen Punkt in Köln

All aboard in Cologne: 28 participants from 18 countries met for the PRO Europe workshop at Der Grüne Punkt. Ursula Denison, managing director of PRO Europe and head of International Business Development EPR at Der Grüne Punkt, welcomed her guests to the workshop, which was devoted in particular to the implementation of the requirements of the new European Packaging Regulation (PPWR). Together, the potential for cooperation between PRO Europe members was analyzed, with a focus on providing the best possible service to customers and consumers. One example of such a recent cooperation is the construction and commissioning of one of the most modern sorting plants for lightweight packaging waste in Austria.


PRO Europe is the umbrella organization of the “Green Dot” systems that contribute to the successful implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) by obligated companies, e.g. manufacturers and retailers. The main task of PRO Europe members is to organize the efficient implementation of appropriate national collection and recycling systems, mainly for sales and household packaging. The aim is to ensure the recovery and recycling of packaging waste in the most economically and ecologically sensible way.


The workshop marks the start of a series of similar events by PRO Europe partners to ensure that the upcoming changes resulting from the PPWR are implemented in the best possible way for customers.


Conclusion Jörg Deppmeyer, President of PRO Europe and Managing Director of Der Grüne Punkt: “We have had an important exchange here in Cologne and found many similarities among all the differences between the individual partners. It has once again been shown how much our customers benefit from recognizing the potential of the network and making it usable.”